Sunday, November 19, 2017

Vintage Style Sunday: Olive green fall look

similar dress/similar shoes/similar hat/similar tights

It's been a really long time since I blogged. I am going to be honest, I really just wanted to quit. My husband has had two major surgeries for a torn Achilles tendon (with another surgery scheduled for a couple weeks from now). He tore his Achilles about a week after our disaster-riddled move to the Dallas area. That and both of us starting new's just been one thing after another lately, but this blog is one of my ways of releasing some of that stress so I decided to jump back in and drag my poor husband out wearing his boot and toting the camera...he's a saint. 

similar dress/similar shoes/similar hat/similar tights
I will be starting a series where I feature vintage items from my wardrobe once a month with inspiration on how to incorporate pieces in a modern wardrobe. I fell in love with this olive green 1940s wool dress last year, I bought it, then remembered I lived in Houston; where there are literally no days in the year where it is comfortable to wear wool clothing. 

Today it was a beautiful fall day in Dallas, with a little chill and some wind. So I took this dress out for a spin for the first time!!! Some details I love are the flared skirt, slightly puffed sleeves, and the cute collar (concealed by my hair...ugh). 

similar dress/similar shoes/similar hat/similar tights 

 I paired it with some black oxford heels, which I believe should be a staple in every closet, they go with almost everything and add a touch of whimsy and class to any outfit. I also paired it with some fun polka dot tights and my vintage 1940s hat which I have featured on the blog before. My awesome sister-in-law got me the cute clock necklace at a maker fair in Oregon, it is pretty unique and this was the closest thing I could find that might be similar to it.

similar dress/similar shoes/similar hat/similar tights

The biggest thing I have learned when purchasing vintage is knowing your measurements and how you fit certain other clothes. I browsed many other olive green vintage dresses before coming across one that had measurements that would fit me comfortably. Some things to keep in mind is that slightly larger items can be easily tailored and/or might end up being more comfortable because they allow for movement, while items too small for you just won't do. Err on the side of slightly too big when you are making that judgment call. Don't purchase anything without knowing its measurements!!!

similar dress/similar shoes/similar hat/similar tights

I hope you all feel inspired to start delving into the world of vintage, it is a great way to add uniqueness to your wardrobe and be ecologically friendly as well. I will be providing more tips and tricks which I have discovered along the way as I continue this series. Do you have any vintage items in your wardrobe? If so, where did you get them? Let me know in the comments and have a great day :)

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

looks inspired by MUSIC ft. Low Roar

It's been a sec since I posted about music I've been enjoying and a look based off of that. 
This soft, vintage, romantic look makes me feel the same things as I do when I listen to Low Roar's "Nobody Loves Me Like You"

shoes/ headband/shirt/skirt

The melody most of their songs are haunting and nostalgic. The soft color palette and European peasant feel of my outfit reminds me of my childhood in France and watching certain vintage French films or films about previous decades in European history. These elements are haunting and nostalgic to me in much the same way this Icelandic artist's music is. 

another similar option to these shoes

Espadrilles are originally from southern France and northern Spain, included in the region of their origin is the place of my birth and where my family is from. They date all the way back to antiquity although their styles have evolved drastically over time. To me no other shoe says "summer in France" than a pair of espadrilles. Hence their nostalgic feel for me.

"Dreamer" is another beautifully haunting track by Low Roar. It reminds me of growing up, and realizing that things don't always turn out the way you dreamed they would. 
I have fond memories of spending many hours of my childhood in the woods and natural areas near where I lived, this little parcel of woods was the perfect backdrop to emulate this feeling and suits most of Low Roar's tracks. I wish now that I could spend more time playing outside the way I used to as a child. 

I'm Leaving is a little more upbeat, but still reminiscent of better days, simpler times perhaps. It feels summery and a little more carefree to me. As I head to Europe these next few weeks, I hope to recapture some of the feelings I had of childhood in France and long, beautiful summer days spent unburdened by the cares of the world which I now have as an adult.

What are some things that make you think of childhood summers?

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Covering the basics with Unique Vintage---modest clothing options in a modern world


I'm back with another addition to my series on places where I find clothing with more coverage. One of my very favorite sites where I continually find beautiful modest clothes is Unique Vintage. I own MANY of their one piece swimsuits which I might feature here at some point, and the heels, skirt, and petticoat I am wearing in this shot are from there as well. 

Unique Vintage's pieces are a little spendier than what I am accustomed to paying for but they also run sales and deals and honestly, the quality of their pieces can't be beat. If you know anything about me you know I am a sucker for vintage and retro styles so the fact that they sell true vintage clothes and vintage recreated styles has me goo-goo, ga-ga and needing to exercise a lot of restraint so as to not buy everything.

Now I want to clarify some things about myself and this blog. I have titled this series about "modesty". I find that modesty is subjective and easily misinterpreted. So here are a few things to keep in mind...

1. My version of modesty looks different than it might yours. It might look different even than other women's in my own faith. Modesty to me, means I respect myself, God, and the promises I have made to Him. I dress in a way I would feel comfortable presenting myself to Him. That looks different on different days too, if I am going to church I am going to try and show respect by dressing a little nicer. If I am working out, I am just trying to be comfortable and functional to exercise and keep my body healthy. 

To some I dress in a way that might seem stuffy, old fashioned. I get that and respect it. 
And to others I might dress in a way that is totally scandalous. I get that and respect that too. 
2. Some people think modest dressing even goes beyond that to not dress in a way that brings any kind of attention to yourself and that style in and of itself cannot be "modest". Some people see it as being completely frugal with the money you spend, and to an extent I try to adhere to that with my wardrobe but it is all relative, and I am sure that to some of those people I am scandalous as well. But they probably wouldn't be reading a fashion blog...

3. Just because I choose to dress the way that I do does not mean I will judge ANYONE for their own choices to dress in as much or as little clothing as they want to. I also don't think that modesty should be about anyone other than YOU and YOUR choices. Whatever YOU are comfortable with does not have to be explained to anyone else. Everyone is responsible for their own thoughts and actions. The way you or I dress does not give anyone a right to say or do anything to degrade or humiliate us. That says more about the person making the comment or doing something rude than it does about you.


At the end of the day fashion makes me happy, and finding ways to be creative with it makes me happy. Finding great new places to shop, like Unique Vintage, makes me happy and I just want to share the happiness. 


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

How to: rock all blue hues---Comment: porter plusieurs nuances de bleu


Monochrome looks are nothing new, but they are definitely not for the faint of heart. To get this styling challenge right, here are a few tips...


1. Make sure your hues are of similar warmth. We call this a color family. For instance, there are khaki greens vs. turquoise greens. One has a high concentration of cool tones (turquoise green) and the other is very very warm (khaki). My blues are in the same color family, they have concentrations of cool blues and grays.


2. Keep the accessories neutral. Unless your monochrome look is comprised of neutrals itself make sure the accessories are not a distraction to the rest of your color palette. I chose some simple nude sandals and one of my favorite wood bracelets inlaid with a band of antique gold. 


 3. Keep in mind the whole aesthetic of your look  when pulling pieces from your wardrobe. This whole outfit has a rustic, vintage vibe. I have other blue items but some of them are more modern or sleek looking; those wouldn't have fit with the look I was going for. You know yourselves and your wardrobes, maybe don't pair a super feminine blouse with frills with a pair of ahtleisure mesh and scuba leggings of the same hue. Or do, it might turn out fabulous!!!


Tuesday, June 13, 2017


ikat chambray shirt/ sequin skirt/ heels

maxi dress (similar)/sandals 

I've heard that the only constant in life is change...

J' ai entendu dire que la seule constante dans la vie c' est le changement...

Change has most notably been in my life in the form of moving. I've never lived in any one place longer than 4 years. This is something about me that I both love and hate about my life. I have seen so many different places and met so many people, but I have never felt at home or settled down.

Le changement s' est présenté dans ma vie sous la forme du déménagement. Je n'ai jamais vécu dans une même ville pour plus de 4 ans. Ceci est quelque chose qu'à la fois j'adore et que je déteste, j'adore voir de nouveaux lieux et rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, je déteste devoir tout recommencer et me sentir comme si je n'ai pas de "chez moi". 

My husband has been looking for a job for awhile now. He wanted to get out of the oil and gas industry; his company and many others experienced a lot of layoffs, oil and gas is not his passion, and ethically it doesn't really agree with us. Musashi's interests are in the aerospace and aeronautic field. He has been working toward his pilot's license and he is very close to being done with that, and he also just got a job offer. Two of his big goals have been achieved. 

Mon mari cherche un travail depuis un certain temps. Il voulait quitter son poste dans l'industrie du pétrol; son entreprise et beaucoup d'autres ont souffertes avec la crise de pétrol, Musashi n'est pas passioné du pétrol, et le pétrol ne s'aligne pas avec nos éthiques. Les intêrets de mon mari sont plutôt l'aerospatial et l'aeronautique. Depuis quelques années il travail sur sa licence de pilote privé, et maintenant il a reçu une nouvelle offre d'emploi. Deux de ses grands buts sont presque atteints. 

Musashi's new job is in avionics, which is definitely in the field he wanted to get into. The company that offered him the job is Safran, a French aerospace and defense conglomerate. The position is in Dallas, Texas. I am both excited and very sad about this new change.

Le nouveau poste de Musashi est dans l'avionique, donc c'est un domaine qui l'nteresse. L'entreprise qui lui a offert le poste c'est Safran, une entreprise de défense et d'aeronautique française. Le poste est à Dallas, dans le Texas. J'ai hâte de pouvoir déménager mais je suis aussi tellement triste de devoir le faire.

Not only is moving stressful and a pain in the butt...I hate having to leave behind all the friendships and connections I feel like I just barely made. We have been in Houston 3 years, but because we have been so busy with work, it has been hard getting to know people and making friends. I always end up becoming close to people only right as I am about to leave.

I find that all too often I get written off and forgotten once I move, and while it is very hurtful it's also understandable; when you're no longer a part of someone's day-to-day it just happens. As a social person one of my biggest fears is that I will never really have a true friend, one that I can turn to no matter what (besides my husband), there have been friends like that in the cities I have lived in but once I move it is never quite the same afterward. 

Non seulement le déménagement est-il stressant et pé déteste devoir quitter les amis que j'ai l'impression d'avoir à peine rencontrer. Nous vivons à Houston depuis 3 ans, mais puique nous avons été préoccupé par le travail nous n'avons pas eu l'occasion de sortir souvent et de former des amitiés. J'ai la mauvaise habitude de me rapprocher des gens juste avant de devoir déménager. 

J'ai constaté que l'on oublie rapidement ceux qui partent, ça me blesse mais c'est comprehensible; quand tu n'es plus dans la vie quotidienne des gens c'est une conséquence naturelle. En tant qu'une personne sociable j'ai peur de ne jamais pouvoir trouvé une amie à qui tout confier (à part mon marie), j'ai eu des amis proches dans les différentes villes où j'ai vécu mais une fois que je pars les choses ne sont jamais vraiment les mêmes. 

One thing I hope to continue in my new city is to mentor young people. The lovely lady pictured with me is one of MANY young people whom I have grown to cherish and I hope that I will continue to be able to teach and inspire them through my work as a teacher and my church responsibilities.

 Until I move, I will make the most of the little time I have left in Houston. This was a fine city to experience "real" adulthood in, now I guess I'm an old wizened woman moving up north just a few hours ;)

Quelque chose que j'espère pouvoir continuer dans ma nouvelle ville c'est guider et inspirer les jeunes personnes. La jolie petite demoiselle dans les photos avec moi n'est qu'une de plusieurs jeunes personnes avec qui j'ai eu le privilège de servir. A travers mon travail en tant que prof et en tant que dirigeante de jeunes à l'église j'espère que je continurais à être une conseillère et une enseignante pour elles. 

 Mais bon, jusqu'au jour du déménagement je vair profiter de mon temps à Houston. Houston a été une ville sympa pour notre première experience de travaul, et maintenant il est bientôt temps pour cette vieille harpie de partir quelques heures au nord ;)

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Wickedly Awesome Casuals

Fun fact: some of my earliest memories are about loving dinosaurs. As a child I was pretty favorite movies were Land Before Time and Jurassic Park (gotta the love the '90s). I loved to draw, and most of my art was of dinosaurs. I even had dreams of becoming an archaeologist but when I realized that big dino digs are not likely to occur in one's lifetime I let go of that dream...

I recently discovered a great new website for quirky, amazing casual tees. Wicked Clothes has great prices on original designs like the "Jurassic Bloom" baseball tee that this dinosaur fanatic just had to have. I also own three other designs of theirs and intend to purchase more because they are just SO awesome.

sneakers / skirt

Most of the designs are printed on American Apparel tees, pullovers, and tanks. This means that not only are the designs unisex, they're all 100% made in the U.S and as comfortable and flattering as other American Apparel gear. Most of the designs are also printed on more than one type of shirt; if you live in a warm climate they've got the designs on tanks, if you live in the tundra they've got sweatshirts too. 

Not only are you getting quality cuts and fabrics with amazing designs, you can typically get 20% off and free shipping on most orders off of shirts that are already relatively inexpensive to begin with. What are you waiting for?! You need some of these stunning, funky designs in your life so head over and check out Wicked Clothes!!!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

style across generations---le style à travers les générations

I wore this outfit on the day that the U.S. celebrated Mother's Day. I got to thinking about how my mom and her mom have inspired and continue to inspire me. 

My mom learned from her mom that you can be stylish and maintain your personal convictions and comfort zones with regard to modesty. I am thankful to my mom for then passing down this lesson, and helping me come to that conclusion on my own as I grew older and more independent.
My mother and grandmother are shining beacons of class, beauty, inner strength and light. I want to make them proud and find myself thinking of what they might say when I dress myself.

Neither my mom nor my grandma are slaves to trends. They have their own style, they are thrifty and wise with their purchases. I continue to try and consider the versatility of my purchases, if they are true to my style and if they are financially reasonable.

My grandma let me have some of her clothes when I last went to visit her; they are timeless and beautiful and I will cherish them forever. My mom and I constantly trade and wear one another's things as well. 

Most of all, they both have taught me that while what you present on the outside can help you feel confident and help you express yourself it is what is on the inside that truly matters. I love these women and love the influence they have had on my life, and for so much more than their style! 

Mamie (grandma) in the blue cutout dress on the far right, maman (mom) in the middle in the teal midi dress circa the 1980s

Maman a few years ago with my brother, all dressed up and looking lovely

En pensant à la fête des mères je pense à la manière dont maman et mamie m'ont influencé et continuent de m'influencer. 
Ma mamie a appris a ma mère qu'il est possible d'être chic en restant pudique. Ainsi ma mère m'a enseigner la même leçon, et j'en suis reconnaissante. Ma mère et ma grand-mère sont des femmes fortes, rayonnantes, et classes. Quand je m'habille je pense souvent à elles et j'essaie de faire des choix qui les rendraient fières. 

Ma mère m'a aussi appris qu'il faut choisir ses achats judiciseusement. Ni elle ni ma mamie sont victimes des tendances de mode. Je reste fidèle à mes goûts et mon style personnel car elles m'ont appris à le faire. J'essaie de faire de sages décisions financières même si j'aime beaucoup la mode. Ma mère m'a montrer à maintes reprises qu'il n'y a pas besoin de dépenser beaucoup pour avoir de belles tenues. 
Ma mamie et ma mère m'ont donner de leurs vêtements et je les porte souvent car elles ont un style que j'adore. Elles m'ont montrer qu'un ensemble peut te donner de la confiance et t'aider à t'exprimer. Mais elles m'ont aussi montrer que ce qu'il se trouve à l'interieur est beaucoup plus important que ce que tu portes. Merci à deux femmes magnifiques qui m' ont tant appris par leurs merveilleux exemples. Je vous aime!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

doodle of the day 4---dessin du jour 4

Here is another submission for Roots and Wings Creative, a historical legend from the area I am from in France. It is a little longer than the last one though...

Ufon and his brothers

Queen Furca and King Gothard were two royals very much in love. Their kingdom was large and beautiful as it spread across the Alps into modern day France and Switzerland.
                Though they tried for many years to build their family, they were unsuccessful and heartbroken. Desperate, they turned to the woods, where they had heard a sorcerer lived. Clothed in peasant’s garb they went on their quest in the night to find the one who they thought could grant them a child, their one true wish.
                A cabin was looming in the distance and the royal couple approached the warm, inviting homestead. The sorcerer invited Furca and her husband in, and he introduced himself as Renaud. After a small chat about the king and queen’s desires to expand their family, Renaud sent them on their way, promising them something grandiose as they left the cabin: “You will have three sons; one to rule over the sky, one over the earth, and one over the waters”. Confused by the cryptic statement but overjoyed at the thought that they were finally going to be able to bear a child, the twosome hurriedly made their way back through the woods, heading to their castle.
                Indeed, the queen did go on to bear three sons. And bear is not meant to be tongue in cheek, as I tell you the rest of this story…
                Furca’s oldest son Edouard, was born shortly after her visit to Renaud. He was beautiful and regal. But an eagle! The people of the kingdom were slightly confused but also delighted. As an eaglet, he could live happily in the castle and on the grounds, but as he grew older and wilder, Edouard had to be put in a cage in the forest bordering the castle, hidden from mind and view.
                Later came Albert, whose royal parents were anticipating and anxiously awaiting to see what their next child would turn out to be. He was a bear! Again, as a cub he was the delight of the kingdom and the court, but as he got older he had to be chained in the same area as his brother Edouard.
                Finally, Furca’s third pregnancy came and went. This one was the most surprising of all, as her third son Ufon was a dolphin! He started out living in a small tub, surrounded by his loving parents and the closest members of the court. Ufon outgrew tub into the pond of the courtyard, he became playful and even a little mischievous, hiding out in the water lilies and coming out squirting water on ladies of the court at the most unexpected of times.
                As he continued to grow he needed more space to swim and turn and do flips; Ufon ended up needing to move to the lake that bordered the castle, right next to his brothers in the woods.  Gothard and his wife were increasingly sorrowful as they turned to every medicine they could think of to try and offer their sons a more normal life. Renaud the sorcerer was nowhere to be found and the brothers grew increasingly restless.
                One day as Furca was crying and mourning her sons’ freedom, she decided to visit them in their prison sanctuary. Her tears dropped on Edouard’s shiny feathers as he gazed longingly at the sky, then on Albert’s thick fur as he roared a low gentle roar, and finally on Ufon’s shiny forehead as he peeked out of the water listlessly. She realized what Renaud had meant when he said her sons would rule the sky, the earth and the water. Just as she was coming to this conclusion, the sorcerer ventured out of the very woods where Furca was visiting her sons. Enraged she threw herself at Renaud, who grasped the queen tightly and whispered something in her ear: “Your sons must prove themselves to claim their human form and their thrones. They must be valiant, good, and true to the point where another pure soul recognizes their worth and frees them from their bonds”
                Renaud vanished without a trace, leaving Furca in a heap in the woods as night began to fall. A worried Gothard searched the grounds before it got dark, eventually coming to find his wife and sons. The king and queen discussed the sorcerer’s words, and they freed their sons in hopes they in turn could free themselves from their animal form. Edouard flew off into the peaks of the Alps, Albert ran deeper into the woods, and Ufon was released into the Isere river’s flows.

                Edouard was eventually trapped by a nobleman and brought to live on his magnificent grounds. Edouard would stay tethered to a certain area by a thin gold chain, and he preened and made the best he could of the bad situation. He was, after all, surrounded by perfectly manicured fruit and flowering trees.
On one of her walks, the nobleman’s daughter saw Edouard and was stunned by his golden plumage. He was equally taken by her, and her light laughter and easygoing attitude. Edouard picked some fruit off a tree and delicately dropped it into her lap. Argovia was the nobleman’s daughter, and she would continue to go on walks more and more frequently, in hopes of seeing the beautiful eagle who usually had a small token for her. Argovia’s father grew more pressing in his efforts to marry off his daughter to a knight or other nobleman’s son, but his daughter was strong willed and clever; she would only marry someone who she loved and respected and who returned those affections. The young woman was so frustrated at her feelings of being trapped that she stormed into the gardens and realized she should free the creature who had been nothing but kind to her and was also currently trapped. Edouard, once freed from the gold chain transformed into a handsome young knight. Argovia couldn’t contain her shock and thrill as she brought young Edouard to her father and SHE asked for the young man’s hand in marriage. Edouard and Argovia ended up ruling over the town of Aarburg in the Alps.

                Albert got caught in a trap in the woods, but the hunters found him to be so gentle and clever that they sold him instead to a traveling circus as a guard and performing animal. Poor Albert found himself having traded one set of chains for another. He traveled from town to town and consoled himself in the thought that he was at least able to see more of the world than he had before. Eventually his group of performers came to the town of Bern. Albert one day noticed a group of men getting a little too close to a young woman behind his troupe’s performing tent. He broke his chains and charged at them to protect the victim. The woman, named Constance, ever grateful, exclaimed that never had an animal acted so brave and virtuous and at that moment Albert took on his human form of a strong, young prince. He courted Constance, and the people of Bern admired his continued bravery and virtue, so they wanted him as their leader. Constance and Albert eventually wed and ruled the kingdom of Bern, which became known as the town of the bear.

                Ufon meandered throughout the river Isere’s flows. He was still quite young and loved to visit the banks of the river’s busiest towns, full of light and life. A beautiful, warm summer’s day brought with it a royal birthday celebration, and Ufon couldn’t stay away from all the excitement. The princess Vienna who was the honor of the occasion and her family and friends, were all on a large boat on the river. Music was playing, people were dancing and the festivities were carrying on when a rock and wayward current rocked the boat in such a way that Vienna fell overboard. She struggled with the swirl and crashing of the waters around her. Thankfully, Ufon was there to rescue her. He carried her to the banks of the Isere, and waited for her to get back on her feet. Vienna rose from the sand and crouched, looking around, wanting to thank the person who had saved her life. All she saw was a brilliant, scarlet colored dolphin’s tail poking out of the water. She got closer to the bank and coaxed Ufon toward her. He was taken and his usually boisterous personality turned shy. Vienna’s dark hair still dripping she kissed her rescuer’s bottle shaped nose near the edge of the water. When she stepped back a young handsome prince was there on the banks, smiling at her though he was soaking wet. The king of the land was so pleased with Ufon’s heroic act he promised the young prince the crown and Vienna’s hand in marriage when the time would come for them to be of age. Young princes in France were always known as the “Dauphin” (dolphin) from that time forward, and the coat of arms of the Dauphiné region (where the French city of Vienna can be found) still bear dolphins with bright blue bodies and scarlet fins and tails. 

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Covering the basics with Dainty Jewell's---modest clothing options in a modern world

This lovely dress and the company which created it are some of the very few reasons why I am genuinely smiling this week. I look pretty serene in most of these shots because this was all taken before the poop hit the fan and my week turned catastrophic... anywho, read on for happier thoughts!!! :)

Dainty Jewells approached me awhile back asking if I would be willing to review their products. I agreed but I wanted to remain authentic and neutral so I did end up paying and ordering online to get the true customer experience and give an unbiased review.

Their vast selection of modest and beautiful dresses and skirts has a little something for everyone. They sell their designs usually with options to choose a unique color and print. The prices reflect the high quality product you are paying for and you truly are getting unique yet timeless pieces for your wardrobe. Every item I ordered is flattering, boasts good fabric and construction, and is comfortable. 
I LOVE that they design and create their own items in house, I always want to support small business and this is a great way to do that. I also adore the vintage vibes they infuse into their designs!!! You know me and my vintage style crush.

For younger girls I would definitely recommend them for formal and semi-formal dances as some of their gorgeous designs lend themselves to these types of occasions perfectly and the price point is actually very reasonable for formal wear. 

All of the designs have sleeves (yay!), higher necklines, and many of them come with the option of a knee-length (ends up being closer to midi on us shorties) and floor-length.

Buying and ordering were a breeze and they do offer an appealing customer loyalty program. Do expect shipping to take a little bit longer than a big box online store because they are after all custom designs and a smaller business :)  
While Dainty Jewells remains an exclusively online boutique they occasionally have pop-up shops and if you subscribe to their newsletter you can find out if they are coming near you!

Overall I was very pleased with my experience shopping at Dainty Jewells and will be featuring more outfits with some of their awesome designs in the future. I am so excited I found out about this lovely company, and while their clothes are a little more money than what I would typically spend they are well worth it and are sure to fetch you lots of compliments and get you a lot of wear and joy. I mean they did manage to keep me smiling and comfy through a torturous week, so who knows how one of their dresses could change your life! ;)

They just rolled out their spring line so go check them out! They do a 50% off mystery dress deal on occasion so make sure to subscribe to their newsletter!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Covering the basics with Shop Ruche- modest clothing options in a modern world series

Many of my readers and friends often ask me where I get my clothes from. This is a complicated question to answer for a variety of reasons. There is no one "go to" place that I use. I usually prefer shopping second-hand due to personal ethical convictions. But I understand that on occasion it is nice to buy something new and others might not feel comfortable buying used. I have started a series where I will be highlighting a retailer which provides modest clothing options in order to share some of the places I find my modest clothes. 

Being LDS means my definition of modest apparel might be different than yours. I am not here to judge, just showcase places which happen to have options which are a little more covered in the shoulder/arm and leg areas. 

Shop Ruche has been a long time favorite of mine. It is also a great comeback story and one of small business success. They started out as a tiny online boutique catering to a clientele interested in eclectic and unique styles. I happened upon them by accident, browsing one day for something very specific (I was looking for a bold poppy print, and found this poppy skirt which I wore here). 

Right off the bat I noticed a lot of their designs met my needs for more coverage, and while they were a little more spendy than what I was used to buying, they have great online coupon deals and sales when you subscribe. They even have filters you can set for longer length skirts and dresses as well as tops with sleeves.

I literally cried last spring when they announced they were going out of business. I had been asking my husband to get my birthday and Christmas gifts there for years, and I would constantly ogle and admire their cute clothes, shoes and decor. What would I do now that they were gone?!?

Luckily for me, others felt the same way I did, and a few months later they announced their return after enough investors and former clients had shown an interest in keeping their business alive. I was ecstatic! 

 I mean, who else would be able to fill my pleated airplane print maxi dress, silver stiletto heel dreams?

Every single one of the items I have ordered from there has been nothing short of amazing quality, stunning in presentation and fit beautifully. I adore this company and recommend Shop Ruche to all my friends, family, and readers. They have a variety of styles to suit many tastes, and while their price point might be a little higher than what I am used to paying, I can wait patiently for sales and deals and I know I am getting a one-of-a-kind piece that is worth every penny.